PEOPLE Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques


Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques

(CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Francesca MERLIN

Coordinator of the project, Permanent researcher (CR – HDR) in philosophy of science
Francesca Merlin holds a PhD in Philosophy (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2009). Her research focuses on ontological and epistemological issues raised by central concepts in biology such as chance and probability, inheritance and epigenetics, in various biological disciplines (in particular, molecular and cellular biology and evolutionary biology).

Since 2018, she is President of the Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS). In 2019, she received the CNRS Bronze Medal. She published Mutations et aléas : le hasard dans la théorie de l’évolution (Hermann 2013). She also co-edited, with Thierry Hoquet, Précis de philosophie de la biologie (Vuibert, 2014).

For more information, visit her personal website:

Francesca Merlin

2 Postdoctoral researchers

1) Gaëlle PONTAROTTI – philosophy of biomedical sciences

2) Thomas BONNIN – philosophy of science


IHPST collaborators

  • Alexandra SOULIER – philosophy, epistemology, ethics


IHPST new intern

  • Marco Pavanini – philosophy of technology, STS

National partners

  • Mathieu ARMINJON – history and philosophy of science, HESAV Lausanne
  • Cyrille DELPIERRE – epidemiology, INSERM Toulouse
  • Thierry HOQUET – history and philosophy of biology, Université Paris Nanterre
  • Marie GAILLE – history and philosophy of medicine, CNRS Paris
  • Elodie GIROUX – philosophy of medicine, Lyon 3 University
  • Yohan FAYET – geography, Centre Léon Bérard Lyon
  • Séverine LOUVEL – social sciences, Sciences Po Grenoble & IUF
  • Stéphanie RUPHY – general philosophy of science, Lyon 3 University

International partners

  • Patrick ALLARD – genetics, developmental and environmental health, University of California Los Angeles
  • Stefano CANALI – philosophy of science, Politecnico di Milano
  • Luca CHIAPPERINO – philosophy and STS, University of Lausanne
  • Hannah LANDECKER – social sciences, University of California Los Angeles
  • Margaret LOCK – medical anthropology, McGill University Montréal
  • Jörg NIEWÖHNER – anthropology of environment, Humboldt University
  • Clémence PINEL – health social sciences, University of Copenhagen
  • Sarah RICHARDSON – philosophy of science, Harvard University
  • Sarah SHOSTAK – sociology of health and illness, Brandeis University Boston