Call for postdoc in philosophy of science: ANR project EnviroBioSoc

Mar 31, 2020

A postdoc position will be available at IHPST (Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques, Paris, France – for one year, starting from September 1st 2020, renewable for a second year, within the French ANR funded project EnviroBioSoc: “The environment and human health across life and social sciences » (Coordinator of the project: Francesca Merlin).

Postdoc theme: « The concept(s) of environment as determinant of health and disease in life and social studies »  & « Modes of integration of the heterogeneous ways the environment and environmentally induced disease are studied across life and social sciences », which correspond to Tasks 1 & 2 of the project EnviroBioSoc. For further details about these two tasks of the project and the whole project, see

The successful candidate is expected to present his/her research at conferences and seminars, and to publish in international peer-reviewed journals. He/she will work at IHPST and will provide organization support for the activities of the team.

Profile: philosophy of science, philosophy of biology or philosophy of medicine, with a strong interest for the issues of unity /disunity of science, scientific pluralism and interdisciplinarity.

Requirement: PhD in philosophy of science or history and philosophy of science.
Mastery of English is expected.
Residence in Paris is mandatory.

Salary will be approximately 2728 € (brut) per month.

Application: It should be submitted electronically as a unique PDF document (called « CV ») on the CNRS Job Platform
Many thanks for also sending it to 
Application deadline: May 15,  2020

Application should include in unique PDF document : 
A cover letter; A CV with a list of publication; A sample of written work up to 10 000 words; A description of planned research activity of 1000-15000 words, and in particular of how he/she intends to contribute to the EnviroBioSoc project; Two confidential letters of recommendation, to be sent directly by the referees to 

The applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts. On this basis, a shortlist of candidates will be called for an interview in Paris (or via skype) before the end of May.

Candidates will be informed of the decision by early June, 2020.

For further information, please contact: 

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